is a full service design and publishing company dedicated to developing and improving products & services focused on the custom needs of our clients. With over 16 years of graphic design and publishing experience, along with more than 30 years of computer and information systems experience, we can develop a project effectively and in a timely manner.
creates quality design for your business to make sure your business gets noticed in your target market. Let your imagination be our guide to creating the best for you. Hover over the information icons below for a brief description of the service or visit the links for more detailed information. —
Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small. An effective brand strategy tells customers what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates you from your competitors. Your market brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be. helps your business with this critical aspect by designing to your branding strategy, partnering and networking with printing, publishing, and web hosting companies nationwide offering the best quality & lowest cost for your project. All printed products ship direct to your doorstep.
Our Standard Operating Procedures at the bottom of this page describe how we do business with our clients — design fees, proof policy, ad design policy, electronic file submission, & legal policy. If you have any questions, please and we will respond as quickly as possible during our business hours.
The foundation of your market brand is your logo. We create custom, one-of-a-kind, graphic art items for our clients — brands for ranch identification; buttons, icons & sprites for your website; decorative line art for use in almost any application or medium; business logos that make your market brand visually distinctive; and custom maps designed for your business location or promotion. We not only create, but can modify your existing item to your specifications, change the file format and/or resolution for specific printing mediums, and increase or decrease the size of the item at your request. The link above this paragraph opens a separate window to the Quantus Portfolio of Graphic Art showing our published &⁄or printed items.
Designing original, distinctive advertising for your business is our passion. It all started in 2001 at the local newspaper as an apprentice. Designing display ads for the community serendipitously became in 2004. Since then, advertising designs appear locally, regionally, state-wide, nationwide, and all over the world wide web — for any & all mediums, colors, & sizes. We design just about anything at any size that requires graphic art, ink, paper, or a screen. We turn your advertising needs into eye candy! The link above this paragraph opens a separate window to the Quantus Portfolio of Business Advertisements showing our published &⁄or printed items.
produces specialty publications for your specific marketing requirement and paper stock (book paper, glossy, or newsprint). In-house production includes, planning, advertising sales, custom invoicing for sales, sales revenue collection & reporting, layout, advertisers’ design, assistance with content development, our photography or yours, and printing with the finished publication direct shipped to your doorstep. We offer any or all of these services. We do not provide distribution of any publication. We provide the convenience of online advertising space reservation, advertising design request, and secure payment options for advertisers participating in specialty publications produced by Quantus. Specialty Publications are multi-page, special or distinctive publications provided free of charge or for public sale [i.e. books, booklets, catalogs, directories, employee handbooks, magazines, newsletters, newspapers (tab & broadsheet), phonebooks, presentation media, production & venue programs, reports, training guides, travel guides & visitor guides, yearbooks, etc.]. Publication binding options include stitching, stapling, or folding. The link above this paragraph opens a separate window to the Quantus Portfolio of Specialty Publications showing our published & ⁄ or printed items.
We are not limited to just graphic design. We utilize resources that provide high quality print for all of your advertising and marketing needs at the lowest possible price. Whether you are looking for billboards, signs, brochures, business cards, specialty publications or just about anything using ink, we can help. Your packaging and promotional materials (Marketing Tools)—all integrating your logo, tagline, & color scheme—facilitate the consistent "branding" of your business. designs to your business branding for bookmarks, brochures, business cards, calendars, coupons, decals, door hangers, flyers, gift certificates, greeting cards, hanging tags, retail labels, magnetic items, media kits, menus, novelty items, pamphlets, postcards, presentation forms & media, rack cards, stickers, table tents, tickets, window clings, or just about anything you want to create for your business. Quantus networks with printing companies nationwide to provide the highest quality printing available at the lowest cost with the finished item direct shipped to your doorstep. The link above this paragraph opens a separate window to the Quantus Portfolio of Marketing Tools showing our published &⁄or printed items.
Large format designs include any kind of visual graphics for prominent display indoors or outdoors —banners, billboards, building signage, expo & trade show displays, posters, sidewalk & sandwich boards, signs (any size), & vinyl wraps. creates designs of any color and any size for printing, carving or painting on any medium or material. We create designs for printing on cloth, hardboard, magnetic, nylon, paper, plastic, vinyl, etc. Woodcarvers use our designs as templates to create the ever-popular wood signage. We offer transfer of the press-ready file to the signmaker or printer of your choice or provide the finished product direct shipped to your doorstep. The link above this paragraph opens a separate window to the Quantus Portfolio of Billboards & Signs showing our published &⁄or printed items.
Doing business in our web–connected world can be a challenge. offers responsive website design, maintenance, search engine optimization (SEO), social networking, and hosting services. Your business is unique. We believe your website is a reflection of that unique character on the world–wide web. Quantus builds websites from the ground up — no boiler–plate templates here. Quantus’ responsive websites look good on any size device — from the smallest cell phone to the largest desktop. We use your images & content or provide photography & content development services to showcase your business on the world–wide web. We offer website maintenance that begins within 24 hours upon request for any website — your existing website or the website we build for you. Completion time for updates depends on the number of changes. All websites by Quantus include search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) optimization at no additional charge. We offer assistance acquiring, registering, & managing your domain name, as well as recommending or providing hosting services for your web pages. We build social networking pages [i.e. LinkedIn, Google+, etc.] to your branding strategy ready for your posts, events, & photos. The link above this paragraph opens a separate window to the Quantus Portfolio of Web Development showing our published items.
offers pro bono digital photography for all in-house client design projects, as well as community events & projects. Our images appear locally, regionally, statewide, & nationwide in business advertisements, magazines, newspapers, specialty publications, websites, & more. We offer passport photos by appointment. Photo restoration, film negative & slide conversion to digital or print, & photo print-to-digital services are also available. The link above this paragraph opens a separate window to the Quantus Portfolio of Photography showing our published &⁄or printed items.
creates custom designs, templates, & products for office operation using your images & content or ours — address labels, awards, CD & DVD labels, certificates, envelopes, forms (carbonless), letterheads, menus, note pads, office forms, or any type of printed item you need to do business. Printing services are available upon request with direct shipping to your doorstep. We tailor products to your specific business. The link above this paragraph opens a separate window to the Quantus Portfolio of Forms & Stationery showing our published &⁄or printed items.
provides archival services for all of our clients that include electronic file transfer, ISO disc creation, & more. When Quantus produces a design for a client, all elements of that design reside indefinitely in the Quantus system for use as needed. We archive these files for the convenience of our clients. Whenever a client makes the request, we send files via eMail or ftp file transfer to whomever or wherever free of charge. Our archive serves our community by meeting each client’s business advertising needs in a timely and effective manner. We maintain all client current or older finalized designs, logos, photos, etc. for use anywhere at any time. Simply email or call with a request for transfer of the file to your chosen location and we send it within 48 hours during business hours — No Charge. We will charge if we have to change the product design for a different medium than the original medium [i.e. A newsprint ad does not print well in a glossy magazine]. If your product prints poorly, it is a reflection on you and . Please understand that we want you to look good in your advertising, marketing, packaging, & promotions. Plus, we want to preserve our reputation for quality design. If your computer crashes or you need file copies you are unable to find, the Quantus archive provides clients the ability to rebuild. Our clients deserve service & quality. We strive to provide just that by every means possible.
offers computer maintenance, repair & update services to all our local clients to help keep your desktops and laptops in peak working condition. With the age of computers, comes the need to network, maintain, upgrade, and⁄or repair business equipment—namely, the indispensable desktops, laptops, printers, and more that we all use nowadays. With over 30 years of hardware–software integration and engineering experience, we can offer our clients the local expertise needed in today’s automated world. We come to your location to work the magic or retrieve the ailing machine to be beaten into submission at our secret lab (Joking here! Ha–Ha). We then return to you a clean, speedy, and renewed machine. We offer help networking your various devices for access from anywhere within equipment range capabilities—computer, access points, printers, scanners, etc. Since we have been doing this for so very long, we can offer help with determining the best equipment for your operation should you need to buy new. If "NEW" is not in the budget, we offer installation of upgrades and⁄or replacement components (drives, RAM, ports, etc.) for your equipment that save you money and get you positive results for your business. Maintenance of any equipment prolongs the service life. It is no different for digital equipment. It must be serviced & literally kept clean. We can do that for you. Maintenance includes software installations & updates, driver updates, drive cleanup & optimization, file organization, registry error correction, and the overall cleanup of the operating system that runs on your device. The literal cleanup involves dismantling the machine & vacuuming the dust & dirt that accumulates over time within the case or tower containing vital components. Dust & dirt increases heat retention within the machine resulting in premature failure of components. Thus, you have to spend more money sooner. Contact us and let us help you. When we help you, we help keep our community up and running!

Design Fees
- Fees must be paid in advance. No proofs will be sent until payment is received.
- Client provides and is responsible for all content, graphic, website, date and event information submitted.
- Quantus Design, LLC spell-checks (excluding proper names) – proper names, grammar and content are the responsibility of the client.
- Promotional materials will be distributed via USPS and/or electronic mail (if available).
- We accept checks, money orders, cashiers checks, credit cards & e–checks via PayPal. We offer secure payment processing through PayPal using your VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or PayPal account.
A PayPal account is NOT required to make electronic payment. Please be advised that a 4.5% surcharge is added to your total to offset electronic payment fees charged by the various companies.
Proof Policy
- No final proofs will be sent without payment.
- Every design receives (2) FREE electronic proofs. Each additional proof will be invoiced accordingly.
- Additional costs will be applied to printed proofs.
- The client approves the final proof either electronically or in writing
- No project will be published without a signed final proof.
Ad Design Policy
- Request must be received a minimum of one (1) week before deadline. If requests are submitted after this time, a deadline surcharge of 15% will be invoiced.
- Client must provide publishing details such as ad sizes and deadlines.
- No ad will be placed in any publication without a signed final proof.
- If Quantus Design, LLC is producing a specialty publication, an advertiser has the option of having their ad designed elsewhere according to design specifications provided by Quantus Design, LLC. Quantus assumes zero responsibility for any provided ad that does not meet published design specifications and reserves the right to refuse the ad. If Quantus Design, LLC returns the ad more than one time, Quantus invoices the advertiser a service charge for each return.
- Any photos, CDs or other media will not be returned to client unless requested.
Electronic File Submission
- When sending an electronic file, call or email to see if we have received the file.
- PDF, JPEG, EPS and TIFF file formats accepted (No BMP images).
- MS Word, Word Perfect, and Notepad text (copy) files are accepted.
- We do NOT accept MS Publisher files as designed ad files (for information only).
- Advertiser Provided Ads must be PDF file format -- no exceptions.
- If an advertiser provides their own ad for placement in a specialty publication, program, travelguide guide, or visistor guide, etc., a zipped file containing all fonts (Windows platform) used in the ad is required--no exceptions. If the file is produced using a MAC, the fonts must be outlined before creating the *.pdf file.
- Quantus Design, LLC utilizes Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat Reader, and Dreamweaver with Windows 10 Pro.
- All CD’s and files must be formatted for compatibility with PC (Windows) platform.
- If any logos, photos, fonts, or other graphics that are not original are to be used, copyright information must be included.
- Photos must be original and at least 1200px X 1600px at 72dpi or greater.
- All scanned images must be 175lpi or greater at 300dpi.
- Line art must be 600dpi or greater.
Computer Maintenance & Repair Services
- Payment is required upon maintenance or service completion.
- Equipment is not released until payment is received (at your location or ours).
- Fees include the cost of labor, components, and parts for the maintenance, repair, or upgrade to equipment.
- Fees also include travelguide time to & from your location for pick up and⁄or delivery of equiment.
- Component replacement or upgrades is based on equipment compatibility and available capacity. Some equipment is so obsolete that components may not be available.
- Service completion depends entirely on the work required—the more work, the more time will be needed to complete the work. We do our best to get the job done as quickly as possible. Software maintenance & upgrades can take a considerable amount of time depending on past equipment maintenance. The longer a machine goes without proper maintainance, the longer the software loads take to complete.
Legal Policy
- Clients hold Quantus Design, LLC harmless for errors once final proof is signed or electronically approved. Quantus Design, LLC is not responsible for designs not under the direct supervision of Quantus Design, LLC.
- Quantus Design, LLC reserves the right to publish projects on the Quantus Design, LLC website in the Portfolio pages.
- Clients hold Quantus Design, LLC harmless for lost data due to equipment failure. This applies to the client-owned equipment or the Quantus Design owned equipment.
- Clients hold Quantus Design, LLC harmless should obsolescence, incompatibility or unavailable capacity cause the failure of maintenance, repair or upgrade to computer equipment.