Quantus produces specialty publications for your specific marketing requirement and paper stock (book paper, glossy, or newsprint). In-house production includes, planning, advertising sales, custom invoicing for sales, sales revenue collection & reporting, layout, advertisers’ design, assistance with content development, our photography or yours, and printing with the finished publication direct shipped to your doorstep. We offer any or all of these services. We do not provide distribution of any publication. We provide the convenience of online advertising space reservation, advertising design request, and secure payment options for advertisers participating in specialty publications produced by Quantus. Specialty Publications are multi-page, special or distinctive publications provided free of charge or for public sale [i.e. books, booklets, catalogs, directories, employee handbooks, magazines, newsletters, newspapers (tab & broadsheet), phonebooks, presentation media, production & venue programs, reports, training guides, travel guides & visitor guides, yearbooks, etc.]. Publication binding options include stitching, stapling, or folding. The links below open separate windows to the Quantus Portfolio of Specialty Publications showing our published or printed items.