The foundation of your market brand is your logo. We create custom, one-of-a-kind, graphic art items for our clients — brands for ranch identification; buttons, icons & sprites for your website; decorative line art for use in almost any application or medium; business logos that make your market brand visually distinctive; and custom maps designed for your business location or promotion. We not only create, but can modify your existing item to your specifications, change the file format and/or resolution for specific printing mediums, and increase or decrease the size of the item at your request. The links below take you to the Quantus Graphic Art slideshows on this web page of our published or printed items.
Quantus employs a variety of methods in creating graphic art designs by combining art and technology to communicate a particular message and create impressive image-based designs involving photos, illustrations, logos and symbols, type-based designs, or a combination of both. Designs include various combinations of lines, shapes, color, fonts, and textured elements. We us every tool at our disposal to create the exact look you want to achieve for your branding & marketing.
- Lines—straight, curved, wavy, thick, thin, & so on—allow us to divide a space or separate content in a layout. Lines guide the eyes of the viewer or make other elements follow a strategic path to get the viewer easily from point A to point B.
- Shapes offer various ways to fill spaces creatively, support text and other forms of content, and balance a design. Shapes can be created out of nothing, using white space to give a design structure and clarity.
- Color strongly influences all designs. Whether you choose to have no color at all or utilize your chosen business colors, Quantus seamlessly integrates color boldly or subtly per your wishes.
- Type (Fonts) transform your message from mere text to art. Different fonts, combined with customized alignments, spacing, size, and color, add power to the point you are communicating to the world about your business. Quantus maintains an extensive font library for your designs.